A Little Bit Of Talking

Allah is very kind, because He always makes me work so hard, fight and struggle to reach the things I dream of in life. I think Allah wants me to appreciate the joy of pursuing and reaching dreams in the most sincere and humble manner, because they don't come in an instant. They all need a long time, a long journey, a lot of thinking, a great deal of energy, patience and courage to achieve. Thank you, Allah...:')


I just got featured in a magazine, and I really didn't like some of the points they included. The points were artificial, and they touched an area of which I already asked the journalist to not disclose. Why do they do these kind of things? I already contacted them regarding this matter so they can clarify. I really dislike this kind of dishonesty.


People have been regularly asking me when S & I will have a baby...the answer is, "only God knows!". Pray for us, please? :)


Lately I have been noticing that "Anti-Bullying" has become an interesting topic to campaign for by several organizations, communities or brands. As much as I like the idea, I really hope they truly get what bullying is, how it really feels and how it affects the victims, and not just do this whole thing as a marketing strategy. I can boldly say that I was a bully victim back then, and it really, really hurts. Even thinking and talking about it again makes me cry..


Sometimes I re-evaluate the meaning of "friends". I just think that sometimes, the word can be used as a social mask to uplift our social status. Simply said, more (perceived) friends, the cooler one is. But deep in my heart, I can actually tell but not say out loudly, who my true friends are. My (real) friends are those who ask and listen to my daily stories and support me for whatever step I take, not those who just leave our friendship over one argument, or call me only if they need help in designing something. But when that applies, my friends-list book is so...thin.


Happy Tuesday! :)

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